Monday, August 24, 2009

Attitude - Setting Goals

Fail to plan then plan to fail. Goal setting is a powerful tool and can make the the critical difference between success and failure. Most of us don't have any issues setting those far-off, big picture goals. However, the weekly, step-by-step goals to the big picture is the key to success. The big picture, though motivating, can be overwhelming. Here are some important tips toward successful goal setting.

1. Break It Down - each week set a smaller more attainable goal that has you moving closer to your ultimate outcome.
Ex: Big Picture goal - I want to lose 10 pounds within the next three months.
Weekly goal - I will exercise 2 times this week for at least 45 minutes.

2. Base It on Behavior - avoid goals that are outcome based. Behavioral goals are what you do, outcomes are what happens when you do the behavior.
Ex: Increase bone density (outcome) so that I reduce my risk of osteoporosis
Behavioral goal that will lead to outcome above - I will do two 20-minute strength training sessions per week.

3. Set SMART goals
Specific - be as specific and as detailed as possible
Measurable - goals should be measurable so success can be determined
Action Based - focus on the behaviors rather than the outcomes
Realistic - make sure the goal is attainable and determine what stands in your way of achievement. Success with each goal will lead to setting the next. Goals should be challenging enough to create great reward in accomplishment but they still need to be attainable.
Timely - Set a time line as to when you will achieve the goal. With no time frame tied to a goal there's no sense of urgency.

4. Create Accountability - Tell a few of your closest friends and family members about your goals. They are sure to check in on your progress and your desire to show success will keep you accountable to those goals.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Creativity - How are you fitting in exercise this week?

I took a quick office break to tone the entire back of the body. A reverse plank hold will strengthen and tone the back, triceps, shoulders and core. Try it out. Rest hands on any sturdy surface. The lower the surface the more difficult this exercise will be. Arms are shoulder width apart. Lift the hips up so the body is in one straight line. Try to point the toes down toward the ground and you will get some strength through the legs too. To add a little extra challenge, lift one leg. Hold for as long as you can (minimum of 10 seconds). Try 5 of them throughout your day, adding on 5 seconds to your time each time you do it. Send us the creative ways you are fitting in exercise.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cardio - Just 10 Minutes!

Dedicating the recommended 30-60 minutes, three times a week to cardiovascular activity can be a daunting task. Here is some good news - small bouts of exercise can be just as effective. Three 10 minute periods of physical activity accumulated over the day can have the same effect on prevention as longer stints of exercise. So make the commitment to exercise today!

Today's society is hung up on how exercise can help with weight loss. It's more important than that... it’s about prolonging your life . Scientific research strongly supports the role of physical activity in the prevention and treatment of disease. Regularly participating in physical activity can:

  • Lower your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Help keep bones strong, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. It can also slow the progression of the disease.
  • Reduce joint pain and improve function for people with arthritis.
  • Help manage stress and relieve symptoms from anxiety and depression.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Motivation - Enjoying Exercise

Because our time is limited, we are always faced with decisions regarding what we will actually fit into the day. But, the choice of either working out OR doing something relaxing for yourself like enjoying the outdoors, reading a book or watching your favorite television show doesn't have to be a guilt-ridden choice any longer. You can do them both! In fact, what you enjoy doing may just be the perfect way to get you motivated to exercise! Read a book while riding a stationary bike, download an audio book to get you through a run or circuit program, watch tv while you complete a print workout from Exercise doesn't have to be a miserable experience. Couple your workouts this week with something you really enjoy. You may just find the perfect way to start or end your day.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

STRENGTH TRAINING - Stong Abs by Just Sitting

Squeeze in a few V-sits while you are sitting around during the day. You can do this exercise in an office chair, on the bed (sit forward on the edge of chair/bed), on a curb, on a stair or on the floor.

Sit up tall on your sits bones, keeping a long spine. Recline upper body back slightly and bring feet up off the ground so that the lower body and upper body make the shape of a "V". You can keep the hands behind the thighs or you can reach them out in front of you. Be sure to keep the belly tight, you do not want the belly button to scoop out toward the spine. Hold for 10 seconds. Each time you do the exercise see if you can add on 5 seconds to your total hold time. Try 3 V-sit holds per day this week.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Attitude - Think Positive

"If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right!" This quote makes an important statement about the power of your thinking.

Self-efficacy is defined as your confidence in your ability to make a change or do a certain behavior. Research shows that people who truly believe they will be able to lose weight will lose more than those who are less sure of their ability. MAKE IT FIT was created as a resource to help overcome the many obstacles that we all face when it comes to staying committed to our exercise regimen. However, your mindset is also an important resource. Your success depends just as much on your thinking as it does on your actions. Try thinking "I can" and you just might witness the "I am."

Friday, August 14, 2009

Creativity - How are you fitting in exercise this week?

Time is limited with the everyday demands of being creative with when and where you can fit in some exercise is essential. Here's how we were creative this week - 3 sets of 12 push ups in between loads of laundry. Share with us your creative exercises for the week.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Motivation - External Reminders

You don't always have to rely on your internal motivation to get you moving. Here's an idea that may help.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Resistance Band Row

A resistance band can be a quick and easy way to incorporate strength training into a busy day.

Remember - if you have questions or something specific that you would like to see featured on our blog, just let us know.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Attitude - Make it an "appointment" to exercise

Make it an "appointment" to exercise this week. Take a peak at today's video on how you can increase your chances of exercising.

If you have trouble viewing this video, you can check it out by clicking on this link:

New Format for Blog

Welcome to the Finding Time for Fitness Blog. Our mission is to provide you will some helpful hints on how to make exercise more regular by showing you some easy ways to fit it into your crazy, hectic schedule. Will we post a daily tip Monday - Friday.

Monday's we will focus on Attitude
Tuesday's will focus on Strength Training
Wednesday's will focus on Motivation
Thursday's will focus on Cardiovascular
Friday's will focus on Creativity.

Feel free to submit your requests on what you want to know more about and we will do our best to work your questions and topics into the weekly blogs!