Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Attitude - Writing it Down

You can increase your success with working out by keeping a visual record of your accomplishments. This can be done by simply writing your achievements and setbacks in a daily journal. The journal works because it further holds you accountable to your daily behaviors. Therefore, if you write about your efforts, then you are more likely to follow through on your goals.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Attitude - Get Competitive!

Exercise doesn't have to mean 30 minutes on the elliptical followed by 30 minutes of weight lifting. That kind of program certainly has it's place. But, if you find yourself complacent or bored with a program like this, you have to find something else or you wont stick to it. Sports and competitive activities can be a great form of exercise because you are spurred on by your competitor. Team sports are also a great form of social interaction. How about basketball, tennis or soccer? These sports are so much fun that they are sure to change your attitude about exercise. Even better, you can do them with your friends and family.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Creativity - Use Your Time Wisely

Here's how Rebecca got creative with her workout this week. Nap time in the stroller allowed her a good 30 minutes of time for a little sweat. Keeping the stroller in motion is key in order to keep the baby asleep. But, a quick 30 second interval in place is certainly attainable. Try Rebecca's lower body stroller workout.

Warm up - light walk for 5 minutes
Interval 1: 20 squats
Speed walk for 3-5 minutes
Interval 2: 30 walking lunges (15 each side)
Speed walk for 3-5 minutes
Interval 3: 20 calf raises
Speed walk for 3-5 minutes
Interval 4: 30 tick tocs or side left lifts (15 each side)
Speed walk for 3-5 minutes
Interval 5: 20 plie squats
Speed walk for 3-5 minutes

Repeat as many times as you feel comfortable (or as many times as the baby will allow).

Finish with a 3-5 minute light walk for your cool down.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cardio - Row Row Row

Have you ever wandered past that strange looking machine with the big fan off in the corner of the gym and wondered, "who ever uses this?"

The rowing machine is an often overlooked machine in the gym because most people are confused about how it works. Vigorous rowing can really get your heart rate up while toning your arms and back. Plus, it's probably not something you do very often which means you'll burn even more calories. In 30 minutes, a 145-lb person can burn about 300 calories. That's if you do it with a little oomph. The rowing machine can also be a great resource to use in your interval workouts. Try 5 strength exercises followed by 3 to 5 minutes of rowing. Repeat this cycle 3 or 4 times for an incredible workout!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Motivation - I Should

We may have written a post about this previously but we cannot express it's importance enough. We have encountered so many unhealthy people this week that have referred to exercise as a chore. Something they know they "should do". If this is your typical response take the time to answer this question....Why is exercising important to you? You may answer because I want to be more tone and fit. Then ask yourself - why is it important for me to feel more tone and fit right now? If you can get to the root of these questions, you won't waste anymore time thinking about it. You will have found your true motivation which will lead you to a more active and healthy lifestyle. If your answers to these questions include the word "should" or because have anything to do with anyone other than yourself, these reasons WILL NOT keep you motivated and committed to an exercise plan.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Strength Training - 3 Times Per Week

We get this question a lot - "How often should I lift weights and for how long?" The answer is simple. Three times a week and make sure you work all of your major muscle groups each session. You can combine your strength training program with or without high-intensity cardio intervals. Either way, your strength training session should take you less than an hour per workout.

Lifting two times per week will offer some benefits, and one is better than nothing but isn't going to do much good. On the other hand, more than three is not likely to give you enough time to recover in between workouts, which is when the strengthening of your muscles is happening.

(Government recommendations for heart health include 30 minutes of the equivalent of brisk walking most days, so you might want to add a few days of that to your routine—it's not going to interfere with recovery from the weights.)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Creativity - Working Out With A Deck of Cards?

How creative did you get with your exercise this week? While on the road this week, I was not only out of routine but I didn't have access to any equipment. It was just too hot to run outside, but I knew I needed to get in at least 20 minutes of cardio. So, I pulled out my handy deck of cards. That's right, I used a deck of cards to get my workout in.

Here's how I did it:
I wrote down 10 cardio moves (ok, really 8 cardio and 2 ab exercises). You can use my list below.

Then, I flipped three cards off of the deck and added up the total. All cards are face value, except face cards equal 10 and aces are either 11 or 1 depending on your energy level. (example, king, queen and a 10 = 30. Or, an 8, 7 and king = 25). The total value of your cards will dictate how many you do of the first exercise. Complete exercise number 1 and then flip three more cards to get the value for your second exercise. No cheating, once you have your list, you can't go out of order :) Decide ahead of time weather you are going to go through all 10 exercise a set number of times or if you are just going to stop after 20 minutes, 30 minutes, etc.
  1. Jumping jacks
  2. Jump Rope (w/o a rope)
  3. Squat jumps
  4. Crunches
  5. Speed skaters or side lateral hops
  6. Flash dance knees
  7. Football runs
  8. Bunny hops
  9. Step ups (on a step or chair)
  10. Bicycle crunches
Give it a try. It was a great workout!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cardio - Get Out of Your Own Way

Sometimes we just go with what we know. The treadmill is probably the most widely used piece of cardio equipment. But, it can be SOOOO boring. As trainers, we commend those that commit to their exercise regimine. However, all too often we see the masses becoming creatures of habit.

If You Keep Doing the Same Thing, You’ll Keep Getting the Same Result

So, you feel comfortable with the treadmill? Keep using it, (or whatever piece of cardio equipment you stick to) but at least once a week, switch it up a bit! Try walking backwards on it. Or Sideways. Or intervals of all three. Or up and down imaginary hills. Not only will the change spice up your daily ritual, but you will also work new muscles and see new results!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Motivation - Is the Scale Weighing You Down?

You've done a fabulous job all week - you've stuck to your healthy eating and have even been religious about exercise in your diligent effort to lose weight. Then you step on the scale and feel nothing but disappointment. Not even a budge!

Don't let the scale weigh you down. There are many things it isn't telling you - like how much stronger and healthier you are becoming! When you feel your motivation dwindling based on the numbers on the scale, ask your self - do I have more energy? Have I lost inches? Do I feel and look better in my clothes?

Focusing on the scale alone will definitely zap anyone's motivation to stick with good habits. On a day-to-day basis, there are so many reasons the numbers on the scale may teeter totter. It can be helpful to monitor progress by measuring and weighing, but don't become obsessed. Stick to stepping on the scale a maximum of one time per week.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Strength Training - Multi Joint Exercises

Gone are the days when we just do a series of bicep curls or sit ups. These are single-joint or isloation exercises. The most effective way of strength training is by using multi-joint movements. Think about it, by working multiple muscle groups at one time, we not only burn more calories but we also save on valuable time!

You are probably sitting there thinking - what the heck does multi-joint exercise mean? It is an exercise that uses movement across two or more joints, such as a squat. This exercise requires you to manipulate the ankles, knees, hips, spine and possible the shoulders to complete the movement. Though they may be the more challenging moves, multi-joint exercises are the ones that will make the biggest difference in your body.

Don't worry, you will see more blog posts about this topic. We firmly believe in this type of training and in the coming weeks, we will be sure to show you various multi-joint exercises that will help you not only in everyday function but also in fat loss and definition.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Attitude -Why Bother?

The truth is that when something is really important to us, we're much more likely to find a way to fit it into our life, at least in small doses. If it's not really important to us, then we probably won't make a concerted effort or have much long-term success with it. Our personal health and fitness goals are no exception. The first step in finding time for fitness is to decide whether or not it's truly important to you to be more active, even if that means rearranging a bit in other areas of your life. Then, once you know your personal motivators, you can begin to use them to your benefit in order to support your efforts to carve out time for exercise. Here's the first step on how to do that:

Write your "Why Bother?" list. Take a few minutes to list your personal reasons for wanting to get or stay committed to regular physical activity. (Do not include reasons that are important to other people or that you think you "should" feel are important.) When writing your list, ask yourself a few questions like: Why now, at this point in my life, should I bother to try to become more active? How will my life be better when I am exercising more? How is increased fitness going to help me? Why is it important to me to be an active person?

Take your time thinking through this exercise. It's important to have at least 1 item on this list before you even begin an exercise program. Next Monday, we will tell you how this list can lead you to increasing your physical activity.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Creativity - How Are You Fitting In Exercise This Week?

At MAKE IT FIT, we believe that an essential key to staying consistent with your exercise regimen is by being creative and flexible with your exercise program.

This week, I wasn't able to find any free time on Thursday. I had visitors in town and so while spending time with my niece I was able to sneak in 20 minutes of physical activity playing with her outside. We played tag and every now and then I threw in the "simon says" game using different exercises. We both loved it! It was a nice change from my regular routine and it really was a lot of fun.

Let us know how you are fitting in exercise this week.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Motivation - Overcoming the Alarm Clock

You are not alone...we all know exercise is beneficial. But when faced with getting your sweat on during a morning workout or getting a little extra shut eye, who wouldn't reach for the snooze button and pull the covers up?

Rise and shine. Plug in your alarm clock across the room so that it can't be turned off without getting out of bed. And make sure your workout clothes are prepared the night before and sitting next to the alarm clock as a secondary source of motivation.

Exercise at any time of the day is better than no exercise at all, but the benefits of a morning fitness routine are plenty.

"Morning exercise revs the metabolism and jump-starts energy levels, actually accelerating your ability to burn calories," says Amy Burleson Sullivan, PsyD, clinical health psychologist in the primary care section at the Dayton VA Medical Center in Dayton, Ohio. "It gets the endorphins flowing so that when you're finished you have greater acuity, less anxiety, improved mood, and increased ability to concentrate, all of which contribute to a better day," explains Sullivan.

Rise and Shine!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Strength Training - Stability Ball

A stability ball is an inexpensive "must-have" for quick strength training routines. Training on the ball challenges the whole body to participate in order to maintain correct posture and balance, and to perform dynamic exercise movement. Because it is a little unstable the body is constantly adjusting and moving as an entire unit. This type of movement compares to how you move about in a normal day and therefore is a great source for "functional" training.

There are hundreds of exercises that can be done using the stability ball to strengthen and tone the entire body. Just imagine all the ways you use a workout bench or chair and use a stability ball instead. Check out for some great stability ball workouts. It's great way to improve strength, balance and flexibility.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Attitude - Change your Perception

There are so many reasons why some do not exercise. In our blog each week, we will address the most common reasons. Today, we wanted to address a very popular one. Have you ever thought this? "I know I should exercise but I hate it so I just can't seem to make myself do it."

Many people have negative feelings about exercise, as can be heard by the use of words like should, hate and make myself. These thoughts and feelings come from negative past experiences like being chosen last for teams, boring exercise routines, and discomfort or pain from doing too much too fast. Some people only exercise when they are trying to lose weight so they have come to think of exercise as a punishment for their overeating. However, it's time for you to change your perception. Find fun physical activities that suit your personality and lifestyle. Start slowly and allow your body to adjust gradually so it is not uncomfortable. Make small steps toward big change. And allow yourself to focus on all the great things exercise does for you and how wonderful you feel instead of how much weight you should lose.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cardio - Jump Into It

When you just don't have time for a long cardio session, revert back to those childhood years of double dutch. Jumping rope has been around for hundreds of years and has proven track record of providing many health benefits. Jumping rope not only tones the entire body by developing long, lean muscles in all major muscle groups, but it also optimizes cardiovascular conditioning and maximizes athletic skills by combining agility, coordination, timing, and endurance.

Jumping rope is an amazing tool for burning calories when you are short on time. On average, jumping rope burns 11 calories per minute but the higher and faster you jump it can reach the limit to about 20 calories per minute. So, in just 15 minutes of exercise you can burn at least 165 calories! Not to mention, jumping rope is portable, inexpensive, easy to learn and a perfect activity that can be done with the kids too.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Strength Training - Push Ups

It's no secret that the push up has been a staple move in fitness over the past several decades. It tones and shapes the chest, back, arms and core with just one move. We know you despise them - that's because they aren't easy. But try a doing them a new way with a stability ball.

Roll out on to the ball so that your hands are shoulder width apart on the floor and either your knees, shins or toes are on the ball. The further out the ball, the more difficult it is. Inhale and lower your chest down to the ground by allowing the elbows to bend out away from your body. Exhale and push through your chest, arms and palms back to starting position. Repeat a total of 10 times.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Attitude - Stop Thinking About It

Just Do It! If you are "thinking" about adding exercise into your life you are most likely thinking about all the challenges and obstacles that stand in the way too. How about trying the Just Do It attitude one time this week? Set no expectations on how long or at what intensity, but rather just get to it. Anything - a walk, run, swim, circuit workout, exercise class. Just try something without even putting too much thought into it.

Physical inactivity has been associated with the risk of obesity and chronic medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. It's never too late to reap the rewards and benefits of exercise. So stop putting so much pressure on yourself and avoid making excuses. "Just Do It" one time this week and take mental note of what happens both physically and mentally.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cardio - 20 minute blast

If you only have 20 minutes to devote to your cardio program today, high intensity interval training is a great way to burn a ton of calories. This type of training will burn more calories from fat and studies have shown that high intensity interval training keeps your metabolism raised for up to 12 hours following a session!

Here is a sample interval workout to try - you can either use a piece of cardio equipment in the gym or you can couple these interval exercises with a run or walk outside.

Take 2-3 minutes to warm up by doing regular cardio activity (walk, run, elliptical, bike) at about 50% of your max effort.

Then you will begin the interval work.
Regular cardio activity for 2 minutes at 60-70% of your max effort (run, walk, bike, etc.)
Interval exercise for 1 minute at about 90% of your max effort (sprint, hill, exercise below, etc)

Complete this cycle 5 times and then cool down at 40-50% of your max effort level for 2-3 minutes.

For the high intervals, you can either increase the speed, incline or resistance of the cardio machine you are on to intensify your workload. Or, you can hop off and try some of these exercises as your high intervals. Mixing it up is key.

Four intervals to try:
  • Jump Rope
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Squat Jumps
  • Side Lateral hops (like a speed skater)
Remember, listen to your body. If the 1 minute high intensity interval is too intense, back down to 30 seconds. As you progress, you can always increase.

For more interval programs, visit

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Motivation - Identify your Motivator

When it comes to exercise we often "think" of doing it for the wrong reasons. Is finding time for fitness really important to you? Here's how you determine that.

1. Write a "Why Bother?" List - Make a list of YOUR personal reasons for wanting to exercise. Ask yourself, why now, at this point in my life, should I bother to try to become more active? How will my life be better when I am exercising more? How is increased fitness going to help me? Why is it important to me to be an active person?

2. Get to the heart of the matter - review your list and cross out any reasons that are not important to YOU personally. Then, put a 1 next to the reason(s) on your list that really make you feel a strong emotion when you think about them. These are your POWERFUL motivators and there is no rule about what the reason(s) can be.

3. Use your powerful motivator to your benefit - now that you have identified your true list, create a way to remind yourself daily of these motivators and the emotions that go along with them. For example, if exercise is important to you because you want to be healthy and fit to keep up with your children, consider putting pictures of your kids in places you'll see them when you
may be faced with the decision to exercise or not.

Identifying your true motivator(s) is the first step to making your intentions to exercise turn into reality.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Strength Training - Forget the Barbie Weights

As a trainer who works with woman each and every day, I am constantly battling with ladies that don't want to lift weights heavier than 5 pounds for fear of looking too big and bulky. Guess what ladies - if you have children you have been lifting heavier than five pounds since the day your child was born. How about those laptop bags - those are certainly heavier too.

To quote Lou Schuler who said it best in his book The New Rules of Lifting for Woman, "Hard work includes lifting heavier weights. If the weights do not challenge you, your muscles won't grow. If your muscles don't grow, they wont look any better than they do now, even if you could somehow strip off whatever fat sits on top of them. Unless you're an extreme genetic outlier, you can't get too bulky. Your body won't allow it." Woman are naturally deprived of the amounts of testosterone that would make this worry a true concern.

So, the next time you pick up the weights, don't waste precious time with the 2 and 3 pound barbie dumbbells. Make your workout more effective in less time by choosing weights that challenge you. It won't be long before you begin to notice the difference in your figure.

Attitude - All or Nothing

Since our behaviors are largely the result of our thoughts, the way we think about fitness and activity often determines whether or not we'll choose an active lifestyle. One of the most subtle forms of sabotage to any fitness commitment is all-or-nothing thinking.

If you're having trouble starting or staying consistent with a fitness routine, get rid of the notion that you must do it "right" or not at all. And remember three things:
  • Some activity is always better than none.
  • There's no perfect exercise; whatever you enjoy and will do regularly is a good choice.
  • You may not be as fit as you wish you were right now, but the sooner you start moving, the sooner you'll get there!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Attitude - Setting Goals

Fail to plan then plan to fail. Goal setting is a powerful tool and can make the the critical difference between success and failure. Most of us don't have any issues setting those far-off, big picture goals. However, the weekly, step-by-step goals to the big picture is the key to success. The big picture, though motivating, can be overwhelming. Here are some important tips toward successful goal setting.

1. Break It Down - each week set a smaller more attainable goal that has you moving closer to your ultimate outcome.
Ex: Big Picture goal - I want to lose 10 pounds within the next three months.
Weekly goal - I will exercise 2 times this week for at least 45 minutes.

2. Base It on Behavior - avoid goals that are outcome based. Behavioral goals are what you do, outcomes are what happens when you do the behavior.
Ex: Increase bone density (outcome) so that I reduce my risk of osteoporosis
Behavioral goal that will lead to outcome above - I will do two 20-minute strength training sessions per week.

3. Set SMART goals
Specific - be as specific and as detailed as possible
Measurable - goals should be measurable so success can be determined
Action Based - focus on the behaviors rather than the outcomes
Realistic - make sure the goal is attainable and determine what stands in your way of achievement. Success with each goal will lead to setting the next. Goals should be challenging enough to create great reward in accomplishment but they still need to be attainable.
Timely - Set a time line as to when you will achieve the goal. With no time frame tied to a goal there's no sense of urgency.

4. Create Accountability - Tell a few of your closest friends and family members about your goals. They are sure to check in on your progress and your desire to show success will keep you accountable to those goals.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Creativity - How are you fitting in exercise this week?

I took a quick office break to tone the entire back of the body. A reverse plank hold will strengthen and tone the back, triceps, shoulders and core. Try it out. Rest hands on any sturdy surface. The lower the surface the more difficult this exercise will be. Arms are shoulder width apart. Lift the hips up so the body is in one straight line. Try to point the toes down toward the ground and you will get some strength through the legs too. To add a little extra challenge, lift one leg. Hold for as long as you can (minimum of 10 seconds). Try 5 of them throughout your day, adding on 5 seconds to your time each time you do it. Send us the creative ways you are fitting in exercise.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cardio - Just 10 Minutes!

Dedicating the recommended 30-60 minutes, three times a week to cardiovascular activity can be a daunting task. Here is some good news - small bouts of exercise can be just as effective. Three 10 minute periods of physical activity accumulated over the day can have the same effect on prevention as longer stints of exercise. So make the commitment to exercise today!

Today's society is hung up on how exercise can help with weight loss. It's more important than that... it’s about prolonging your life . Scientific research strongly supports the role of physical activity in the prevention and treatment of disease. Regularly participating in physical activity can:

  • Lower your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Help keep bones strong, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. It can also slow the progression of the disease.
  • Reduce joint pain and improve function for people with arthritis.
  • Help manage stress and relieve symptoms from anxiety and depression.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Motivation - Enjoying Exercise

Because our time is limited, we are always faced with decisions regarding what we will actually fit into the day. But, the choice of either working out OR doing something relaxing for yourself like enjoying the outdoors, reading a book or watching your favorite television show doesn't have to be a guilt-ridden choice any longer. You can do them both! In fact, what you enjoy doing may just be the perfect way to get you motivated to exercise! Read a book while riding a stationary bike, download an audio book to get you through a run or circuit program, watch tv while you complete a print workout from Exercise doesn't have to be a miserable experience. Couple your workouts this week with something you really enjoy. You may just find the perfect way to start or end your day.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

STRENGTH TRAINING - Stong Abs by Just Sitting

Squeeze in a few V-sits while you are sitting around during the day. You can do this exercise in an office chair, on the bed (sit forward on the edge of chair/bed), on a curb, on a stair or on the floor.

Sit up tall on your sits bones, keeping a long spine. Recline upper body back slightly and bring feet up off the ground so that the lower body and upper body make the shape of a "V". You can keep the hands behind the thighs or you can reach them out in front of you. Be sure to keep the belly tight, you do not want the belly button to scoop out toward the spine. Hold for 10 seconds. Each time you do the exercise see if you can add on 5 seconds to your total hold time. Try 3 V-sit holds per day this week.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Attitude - Think Positive

"If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right!" This quote makes an important statement about the power of your thinking.

Self-efficacy is defined as your confidence in your ability to make a change or do a certain behavior. Research shows that people who truly believe they will be able to lose weight will lose more than those who are less sure of their ability. MAKE IT FIT was created as a resource to help overcome the many obstacles that we all face when it comes to staying committed to our exercise regimen. However, your mindset is also an important resource. Your success depends just as much on your thinking as it does on your actions. Try thinking "I can" and you just might witness the "I am."

Friday, August 14, 2009

Creativity - How are you fitting in exercise this week?

Time is limited with the everyday demands of being creative with when and where you can fit in some exercise is essential. Here's how we were creative this week - 3 sets of 12 push ups in between loads of laundry. Share with us your creative exercises for the week.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Motivation - External Reminders

You don't always have to rely on your internal motivation to get you moving. Here's an idea that may help.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Resistance Band Row

A resistance band can be a quick and easy way to incorporate strength training into a busy day.

Remember - if you have questions or something specific that you would like to see featured on our blog, just let us know.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Attitude - Make it an "appointment" to exercise

Make it an "appointment" to exercise this week. Take a peak at today's video on how you can increase your chances of exercising.

If you have trouble viewing this video, you can check it out by clicking on this link:

New Format for Blog

Welcome to the Finding Time for Fitness Blog. Our mission is to provide you will some helpful hints on how to make exercise more regular by showing you some easy ways to fit it into your crazy, hectic schedule. Will we post a daily tip Monday - Friday.

Monday's we will focus on Attitude
Tuesday's will focus on Strength Training
Wednesday's will focus on Motivation
Thursday's will focus on Cardiovascular
Friday's will focus on Creativity.

Feel free to submit your requests on what you want to know more about and we will do our best to work your questions and topics into the weekly blogs!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

National Employee Health and Fitness Day: May 20th

The National Association for Health and Fitness (NAHF) is a non-profit organization that exists to improve the quality of life for individuals in the United States through the promotion of physical fitness, sports and healthy lifestyles.

NAHF accomplishes this work by fostering and supporting Governor’s and State Councils and coalitions that promote and encourages regular physical activity. Many states have active councils that promote physical activity for persons of all ages and abilities. Governor and State Councils represent the grassroots programs that encourage the need for and benefits of regular physical activity, reaching more than 215 million people through state and local programs.

National Employee Health & Fitness Day™ is the third (3rd) Wednesday in May each year...that's TODAY! Administered annually by the National Association for Health & Fitness, NEHF is a national health observance, created to promote the benefits of physical activity for individuals through their work site health promotion activities. Founded in 1989 National Employee Health and Fitness Day has enlisted tens of thousands of participants from employers around the world.

In recognition of NEHF Day Make It Fit is offering annual memberships to our site for only 99 cents/month. That's a total of only $11.88 for the year! How can you beat that price for access to online exercise 24-7? Check it out!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fitness Bailout for ALL Ohioans: May 20th!

In conjunction with “National Employee Health and Fitness Day” on May 20, 2009, Make It Fit is helping all residents of Ohio afford to “fit” fitness into their finances this year by donating their services for almost nothing.

Make It Fit is offering all Ohio residents an annual membership to for only 99 cents a month if they sign up on “Fitness Bailout Day” during the hours of 6am to midnight. The goal is to let the community know that there is a way to stay active during these tough economical times without breaking the bank.

New members will immediately have access to a large library of streaming fitness videos, fitness podcasts, and printable workouts, along with other weight management tools such as nutrition information and diet plans. These tools provide the user with an excellent opportunity to exercise at home, in the office, or on the road, all on their own schedule, with experienced fitness professionals to guide and motivate them.

The idea for this initiative stemmed from the news out of the Center for Disease Control ranking the U.S. states from heaviest to lightest. MAKE IT FIT™ launched an initiative at the start of 2009 to offer their services for this reduced rate to all residents of the heaviest states across the country. Over the past several months as the economy has taken a nose dive, the company fast tracked this initiative to try and reach as many Americans as possible to help them see that exercise doesn’t have to become a casualty of the economic downturn.

By joining MAKE IT FIT™, residents will find a wide variety of streaming and downloadable workouts including strength training, cardio, abs, mind-body, pre- and post-natal programs, office exercises and more. Members will also find ways to get their families active and to stay fit while traveling. These include kids’ programs, classes designed to be done in a hotel room and podcasts for “on the go” workouts. There are classes and workouts suited for all fitness levels, including currently sedentary or very overweight individuals. Later this year, MAKE IT FIT™ will add a structured Beginner’s Program that will guide those people new to exercise through a several-month progression designed to help them gradually add more activity into their lives in a way that is suitable for their fitness level.

For more information on MAKE IT FIT™, visit the website or call (305) 322-8595. To take advantage of the 99 cent/month offer to all Ohio residents, simply log onto on Wednesday, May 20, 2009 between the hours of 6am and midnight and click on the “Fitness Bailout Day” link on the home page for information on how to sign up.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tips for Making the Most of Your Score

So now that you have rated your motivation level for exercise and found your "score", at least you know where you stand. Now it's time to take a look at what you can do to either improve your motivation or actually find time to fit fitness into your day.

If you rated yourself below a “5” on the scale, here are a few ideas that may help you increase your motivation for exercise:

1. Write your “Why Should I?” list. Take a few minutes to list all the reasons to become more physically active that are important to you. (Do not include reasons that are important to other people or that you think “should” be meaningful to you.) When writing our list, think about how exercise may make you feel, how your life might be better when you are active and what outcomes and results you’ll get from it.
2. Write your “What If I Don’t?” list. Think about what might happen or what life will be like if ou decide NOT to get or stay physically active. Will there be any negative consequences? How will you feel about yourself? What will your health be like? How might your decision affect
your future?
3. Use your lists to your benefit. When you review your lists, take particular notice of any thoughts you wrote that really make you feel a strong emotion when you think about them. These are the powerful motivators that can help you get or stay active. You need to find a way to remind yourself daily of these motivators and the emotions that go along with them. For example, if exercise is important to you because you want to be healthy and fit to enjoy playing with your children, consider putting pictures of your kids in places you’ll see them when you may be faced with the decision to exercise or not. If you have trouble breaking from work for exercise; put the pictures on your computer; if you would default to television instead of exercise; put a small picture of them on the remote control.

If you rated yourself a “5” or above on the motivation scale, here are a few practical suggestions for fitting fitness into your busy schedule:

1. Do more of what you love (or at least like). If you’re not a “gym person”, then stop making resolutions to get to the gym! The best types of exercise are those you will actually do regularly, so choose your favorites and set your sights on incorporating more of those. Anything that gets you moving is good – rollerblading, gardening, walking, kickboxing, fitness videos, tonight on your living room floor.
2. Recognize the benefits of the small stuff. If you’re doing very little activity or none at all, then even small amounts can make a difference. A few minutes here and there adds up, so if you truly don’t have a chunk of 30 or 45 minutes at a time to devote to activity, you shouldn’t use that as an excuse not to do it at all. If you’re tight on time on a particular day, you could take the stairs at work several times during work, walk for 15 minutes on your lunch break and then run around with your kids in the yard for 10 or 15 minutes when you get home.
3. Be flexible and realistic. If you have an inconsistent schedule and are unable to commit to a “regular” exercise routine every week, spend a few minutes with your calendar at the start of each week to identify a few times you can commit to. Taking into account your scheduling opportunities and constraints that week, make a commitment that you are fairly confident you can achieve, even if it’s different than the week before.
4. Plan for your obstacles in advance. When you’ve decided what you’ll do for exercise and when, ask yourself: What might get in the way of my exercise this week? What challenges am I likely to face in meeting my goal? And then come up with one or two realistic strategies that will address your barriers. For example, if your biggest challenge will be that you don’t like to exercise alone; consider finding a friend to join you, going to a fitness class where there will be other people or getting your kids involved.
5. Go High-Tech! If you need a quick workout you can do virtually anywhere with little or no equipment, you can find a solution online. Sign up for an inexpensive membership to Make It Fit for access to fitness videos, podcasts and printable workouts you can do in your home, office or even on the road with little or no equipment.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Office Workouts Help You Find the Time for Fitness

Let’s be honest, when something is really important to us we find a way to fit it into our life, at least in small doses anyways. It's all about prioritizing. If your life right now is chronically busy and over scheduled, you need to decide whether or not it’s important to spend some time and energy on physical activity, even if that means taking time and energy away from other things you do. It can also mean finding those pockets of time during your day to fit fitness in your schedule. That can be as easy as utilizing one of the office workouts on Make It Fit during your lunch break or woking a walk into your morning or evening routine.

When you’re relaxed and clear-minded, use the following numbers to rate your motivation to get or stay active. (When you think about “regular” activity, envision a type and amount of exercise that feels realistic to you – even if it’s only a few minutes per day more than what you’re doing now.)

1: Definitely do not want to be more active
2: Not very motivated at all; low priority
3: A little motivated; low to medium priority
4: Somewhat motivated; low-medium priority
5: Fairly motivated, at least most of the time; med priority
6: Motivated; one of my high priorities
7: Very motivated; high priority
8: Extremely motivated: will do whatever it takes

If you rated yourself below a “5”, exercise may not be a big enough priority in your life for you to expect to be able to find time for it on a regular basis. Your best bet is to do some “thinking” work that may make you feel more emotionally committed to physical fitness before you set an action goal.

If you rated yourself a “5” or above, then you probably just need a few practical suggestions for fitting fitness into your busy schedule. Check back with us next time when we will give you some suggestions on how to find time and motivation for fitness based on your score in this exercise.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

More Spring Break Tips...Stay Active with Your Family

Yesterday we discussed a two tips to help you stay fit when vacationing...Going High-tech and Bringing a Band! Today, let's take it a step further. Here are three more ways to make sure you still get exercise while enjoying that relaxing getaway with your family this Spring Break.

Tip 3: Work the water. Whether you’re poolside, lakeside or oceanside, you can use the water for a refreshing bout of exercise. Go back and forth between swimming laps and jogging in chest-deep water; use a flotation device to keep your feet off the ground while you cycle your legs and paddle your arms; or simply tread water for 30-60 seconds at a time, resting in between sets.

Tip 4: Discover something new. Exercise often feels more enjoyable when you’re exploring new surroundings. Get to know your vacation spot a little better by planning some walks or bike rides to places you haven’t yet gone.

Tip 5: Active Family Time. Play with your kids. Jump in the water with them instead of standing by the wayside, get in on their game of tag or join them for a bike ride. If your children aren’t moving on their own, vacation is a great chance to minimize screen time and try some new activities together.
Most importantly enjoy your time away with your family in an active way. Engage in the time you have together and stay moving! You will come home to find yourself happier, healthier and refreshed!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring Break Doesn't Mean a Break from Exercise...Printable Workouts Can Help!

Spring Break is upon is and that means it's time to head to the beach! But a vacation doesn't have to throw you off the exercise wagon altogether. Taking too long a break from your normal exercise routine can make you lose some of the progress you worked so hard to achieve.

Over the next few days we are going to share some practical tips to help you stay fit, even when you're not at home.

Today's tips: Go high-tech...and Bring a Band!

Tip 1: Go high-tech: If you are staying in a hotel or vacation house with no exercise facility you don't have to eliminate exercise from your schedule. Take advantage of Make It Fit’s online fitness videos! Take your laptop with you and choose a workout from our selection. Many of our videos can be done in a small space – even in a typical hotel room - with minimal or no equipment.

Tip 2: Bring a Band: If you pack a resistance band in your suitcase you can get your strength training in anywhere, anytime. SPRI has a band you can get for about $7. You can then find a printable workout for a full-body resistance band routine in our workout library. No more excuses!

Check back in with us tomorrow for more tips to make sure your spring vacation doesn't set you back on your fitness regimen.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Fitness Bailout...Spread the Word Across Kansas & Missouri!

Spread the word... If you, or anyone you know, lives in Kansas or Missouri you can take advantage of our Fitness Bailout initiative next week!

We are helping all residents of these Heartland states afford to “fit” fitness into their finances this year by donating our services for almost nothing. Make It Fit is offering all residents of Kansas and Missouri an annual membership to for only 99 cents a month if they sign up on Tuesday April 14, 2009 during the hours of 6am to midnight CDT.

Residents who log onto the site on “Fitness Bailout Day” and sign up for the virtually free membership will immediately have access to a large library of streaming fitness videos, fitness podcasts, and printable workouts, along with other weight management tools such as nutrition information and diet plans. These tools provide the user with an excellent opportunity to exercise at home, in the office, or on the road, all on their own schedule, with experienced fitness professionals to guide and motivate them.

A membership to MAKE IT FIT™ is normally priced at $14.95 per month. That is significantly less than a gym membership, but still out of reach for some people who are eliminating the cost of exercise as a way of tightening their belts. Through the “Fitness Bailout” initiative we hope to help thousands of residents fit fitness into their monthly budgets at the small cost of only 99 cents.

The country is going through a tough time of national economic struggle which makes it difficult for many people to pay for a gym membership or hire a personal trainer to guide and motivate them through the uphill battle of weight loss. We truly hope that through this initiative we can give more people access to convenient fitness tools for a price that everyone can certainly afford right now.

By joining MAKE IT FIT™, residents will find a wide variety of streaming and downloadable workouts including strength training, cardio, abs, mind-body, pre- and post-natal programs, office exercises and more. Members will also find ways to get their families active and to stay fit while traveling. These include kids’ programs, classes designed to be done in a hotel room and podcasts for “on the go” workouts. There are classes and workouts suited for all fitness levels, including currently sedentary or very overweight individuals. Later this year, MAKE IT FIT™ will add a structured Beginner’s Program that will guide those people new to exercise through a several-month progression designed to help them gradually add more activity into their lives in a way that is suitable for their fitness level.

To take advantage of the 99 cent/month offer to all Kansas and Missouri residents, simply log onto on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 between the hours of 6am and midnight CDT and click on the “Fitness Bailout Day” link on the home page for information on how to sign up.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Exercise Podcasts Give Flexibility to Your Work Out Time

What is the best time of day for exercise? Some of us are early risers while others can't get out of bed a second earlier than we absolutely have to. So does it matter what time of the day we set aside for exercise?

This is a commonly asked question. The simple answer is this... whenever you can find the time and will be committed to doing exercise on a consistent basis... you have found the "best time"! There is no “rule” about this that applies to everyone. Your personal preferences, energy level and schedule will determine what the best time is for you.

Exercise in the morning can be a great way to jump start your day. Many people find they are most consistent when they do it first thing; as the day wears on it can become difficult to carve out the time. Although getting up early can be challenging at first, you will be surprised how easily this can become a habit and how much more energized you feel during the day.

But morning workouts don't have to fall into a rut. You don't have to head to the gym every morning. You can choose to follow a quiet yoga podcast workout while taking in the fresh air at a local park, or enjoy one of Make It Fit's high-powered cycling classes from the comfortable seat of your stationary bike. There are numerous options to get you going, on your own pace in the morning.

Mid day exercise can be advantageous because you may have more energy for the afternoon, be more alert and have time to properly fuel yourself for the exercise session. Also, exercise can be a great mid day snack suppressant. People who exercise during a lunch break at work often eat healthier and more moderate portions for lunch, which serves as an extra benefit.

Evening workouts help to put a long day behind you and relieve stress. Some people find this is the time when they have the most energy and feel most ready for exercise. Evening workouts also encourage you to eat a smaller, healthier dinners. Remember that exercise is a stimulant, so be sure to end your workouts 1 -3 hours before bedtime so as not to affect your ability to fall asleep.

Although it is a good idea to stick to a regular schedule, anytime is a good time for exercise. That's one of the biggest benefits to Make It Fit. You can exercise anytime, anywhere, on your own schedule. You will reap the same benefits from exercise no matter when you do it - as long as you do it consistently. Try different times and see what works best for you.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Peel Away the Layers to Peel Away the Pounds

Yesterday we talked about how once you can identify your internal and external motivation, you will be able to use those factors to help you stay on track. Motivation to improve health comes in many forms. Some motivators are internal – thoughts or feelings that come from inside you. Others are external – events, people or situations that inspire you. Both types of motivators can be an important type of fuel for change. Motivators vary from person to person, and are completely dependent on unique personalities, priorities, life situations, needs and desires.

The first step in mastering your motivation so you stay on track is to clearly identify what it is that’s motivating you. Knowledge is power: the more you get to know yourself, the more likely you are to be successful at changing your unhealthy habits! When you know what it is that truly motivates you, you will be able to plan for ways to keep feeling inspired and driven to positive change, even through difficult times.

Hopefully after being with us yesterday, you have put some thought into your reasons for wanting to improve your health or life in general. If you are a member of Make It Fit, you have even taken those first steps to becoming healthier by using our fitness videos at convenient times during your busy week. But to successfully overcome the daily challenges that face you and your attempt to stay on track with your exercise regimen, it’s important to peel away the layers until you identify the real, powerful motivators. If you haven't already, I encourage you to spend a few minutes writing your answers to the following questions:

  • If you could choose one area in your life to change, what would it be? Be specific.

  • Why is it important to you to make this change?

  • Why do you want to make this change now?

When you’re done, review carefully what you’ve written. Think deeply about the questions and your answers. Challenge yourself to dig deeper and peel away the layers to find even more meaningful answers. Take your answers and ask yourself the last two questions again: So why is that important to you? And why now?

In order to master your motivation, you must get to know exactly what it is that is driving you to change now. Be honest with yourself – you might be surprised what you come up with!

Identifing Factors to your Online Fitness Motivation

Welcome to our blog geared to help you find time for fitness, stay on track with your exercise regimen, and eliminate excuses for lacking the motivation to accomplish your fitness goals. We believe that with the inception of online fitness, there are no more excuses. When you can have guided exercise videos and wellness information at the click of your mouse, you lose any excuse you had to not work out.

We know that motivation is key to helping you be successful with your exercise regimen. If you’ve attempted to lose weight, eat better, exercise regularly, manage stress or make other improvements in your life in the past, you’ve probably experienced the come-and-go nature of motivation. At first, you may feel very inspired and driven to change but, as time passes or the going gets tough, your enthusiasm seems to slip away, and you quickly go back to how things were before you tried to make that change. Motivation is one of the major reasons for failing to follow through with attempts to make change.

Although it may feel like it, motivation is not an abstract force that is out of your control. Once you understand what really motivates you and how motivation works, you’ll be able to make the choices that result in lifelong health. This is not to say you will always feel the same level of motivation, or that you’ll be motivated by the same things. However, when you’re able to identify your motivators, you will be more successful at staying on track. So, where does your motivation come from, and what’s the secret to keeping it? We are going to tackle this more in depth tomorrow, but until then, take a second to think about the internal and external factors that motivate you and check back tomorrow to learn how identifying those feelings, events and people can seriously affect your motivation and road to success.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I just finished a fabulous yoga class on Make It Fit! Felt great!